Why Should We Invest in African Education?

As mankind races into the future, we are creating unprecedented wealth for some while leaving behind millions of young people. They dream of a happy life however have been born into a region where education is expensive and difficult to obtain, jobs are few, and economic possibilities are limited — Africa.

While the continent is experiencing a population explosion, it continues to be dogged by lagging economic development, which leads to high unemployment. Therefore, there is a real opportunity for those of us willing to invest in the continent and its youth. By doing so, we not only facilitate a brighter future for them, we are working toward creating a more peaceful and sustainable world for all young people. Without hope, young people become desperate, creating unrest and violence.

We need to think globally as we look to the future of our world, and Africa will become an ever-increasing presence in that future. Over half of the global population growth until 2050 is expected to happen in Africa. The more we do to prepare the leaders of tomorrow, the more positive their impact will be on our world.

“Potential, without opportunity, is lost.”